Residential multi-family units

The Steps to Becoming a Home Buyer from a Renter

Do you want to be in charge of home renovations? Want to live a peaceful life without any interventions from your landlord? If your answer is a recurring yes, then it’s time you become a homeowner.

Regardless of how much the idea of buying a house excites you, there are always some critical factors that need your attention. Using your savings to buy a house or acquire a loan, in any case, you need to invest loads of time and energy in planning your first move. Becoming an owner from a renter requires adequate financial stability and focus.

So don’t fret, because we’re here to help. At  Z Finance Solutions, we have helped numerous renters become homeowners. So read on if you want to make your home buying process a hassle-free undertaking.

Saving For a Down Payment

Before anything, you need to start saving for the down payment. Whether you’re interested in buying the current house you’re renting or a new one, this step can’t be missed.

For rent signage attached to a house

Look at your budget, weigh your income and liabilities, and conduct a detailed examination of your current and future expenses. Understand your essential and non-essential expenses. Cut back on non-essential expenses. For example, you may think that your two coffee cups per day don’t make much difference, but saving $5per day will round up to 150 dollars per month!

Check Your Credit Score

A credit score assessment is an integral part of the home buying process. You can order your credit report from a reporting company and compare it with lenders’ requirements. At Z Finance Solutions, we offer complete realtor services that include first-time home loans assistance and mortgage pre-approval.

We can help you understand your credit score and history while offering tips on how you can maintain a desirable and foolproof credit history. For now, just make sure you’re paying all the bills on time and not piling up credit card purchases.

Calculate Your House Affordability

From debt-to-income ratio and income calculations to asset-liability checks, there are various ways to assess how much house you can afford. For example, you can conduct a cost-benefit analysis of renting and owning a house. This can help you understand whether or not it’s the right time to make a move.

We recommend you talk to your bank. You may not know this but many banks offer purpose-designed saving accounts for homebuyers and investors. This can really help you start saving for a down payment or make a general cutback on your expenses.

Want to Qualify for First Time Homebuyer Mortgage in TX? We Can Help!

Applying and qualifying for a mortgage to buy a house in TX can be an overwhelming task for first-time buyers. This is where Z Finance Solutions steps in to the rescue.

From home buying services to home loan application assistance and advisory services, our experts can help you streamline the entire procedure. Whether you’re looking for real estate advice on a down payment on a home, closing cost, or pre-approval assistance, you know where to go!

Contact us now.

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